The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum


The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum works every day to rescue Holocaust evidence, confront hatred, and prevent genocide. Not only does this institution preserve the memory and physical remains of the Holocaust, it also works hard to prevent genocide and will catalyze an international response when it occurs. Their goal is to make the prevention of genocide a core foreign policy priority for leaders around the world through a multi-pronged program of research, education, and public outreach. 

Holocaust Memorial Inside

At What If, many of the employees have been impacted by the Holocaust in a variety of ways.

It was important to the team to make this meaningful contribution towards peace and unity during a time of divisiveness in our country. 


Every generous gift will help the museum continue educating people about the important history and lessons of the Holocaust in order to create a more just, caring and inclusive community free of all forms of hate and bigotry.

Click here to make your donation today: Ushmm.Org/Support